Greetings, Distinguished August!!! The Month of August brings the vibration of change, expansion, and challenge. {Remember, this is a year of tapping into that Secret Love and bringing it on out to share with others } The challenge may simply be learning to become more non-resistant to change. As we flow like the water (a friend says), we are able to grow - expand outward. Water is very powerful - because it IS non-resistant. This is a month to grow upward too. As we strengthen our discipline, we organically grow upward ~ upward in consciousness :-)
What praytell may the changes be...they could be a change in thought (flipping the script). A change in our walk. As Patti LaBelle once sang, "I got a new attitude".
This is a change & challenge month ~ Certainly, a month Blessing us with an opportunity to SoulGrow. Happy SoulSteppin'

#TAPN2U #SpokenWord #July #Change #Variety #Challenge #Foundation #Building #InSpire #InForm #InCourage #InPower #InVigorate #Peace #InLoveLiveLifeInsideOut #acp #skk